Discover Morocco,
invest, and grow your

A board game that takes you to the heart of Morocco’s most beautiful monuments and locations .

Culture, Strategy,

and Entertainment

A game that connects the history, culture, and values of the Kingdom of Morocco for a fun and enriching adventure.

Discover Morocco while putting your strategic skills and wealth management knowledge to the test.

Each section will allow you to explore the cultural, historical, and industrial treasures of the Shereefian Kingdom, from Tangier to Dakhla.

Roll the dice, explore the Kingdom!

A unique playful and strategic experience

A cultural journey to the heart of Morocco

The strategic adventure at the heart of Moroccan heritage!

Reserve yours today and discover the first National Edition!

Over 20 iconic locations
to explore

Mosquée Hassan II, Souk Habous, Agadir oufla, Jemaa El Fna, Place Al Wahda, Tour Hassan, La Dune Blanche, Plage Quemado, Tour Mohammed VI, Port de Dakhla-Atlantique, Complexe Noor, Gare de Tanger,
مسجد الحسن الثاني، سوق الحبوس، أكادير أوفلا، جامع الفنا، ساحة الوحدة، برج الحسن، الكثيب الأبيض، شاطئ كيمادو، برج محمد السادس، ميناء الداخلة الأطلسي، مجمع نور، محطة طنجة،
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Iconic locations

Through Moulkiya, dive into the heart of Morocco's cultural, historical, industrial, and natural treasures. Each location in the game has been carefully selected to reflect the Kingdom's leadership, diversity, and authenticity: from historical landmarks to natural wonders, as well as modern and innovative sites.

Iconic locations

Through Moulkiya, dive into the heart of Morocco's cultural, historical, industrial, and natural treasures. Each location in the game has been carefully selected to reflect the Kingdom's leadership, diversity, and authenticity: from historical landmarks to natural wonders, as well as modern and innovative sites.

our inspiration

The game Moulkiya is much more than just a board game. It embodies a vision: celebrating the diversity and cultural richness of Morocco while highlighting forward-looking initiatives such as Dakhlab1975.

Located in Dakhla, this project aims to redefine nomadic work and entrepreneurship in the southern provinces through an innovative incubator and guesthouse. Moulkiya draws inspiration from these values to promote the Kingdom’s history, culture, and economic opportunities.

The adventure doesn’t stop

New editions are in the works, offering a unique immersion into the heart of Morocco, showcasing its countless iconic sites, world-class infrastructure, and exceptional cultural richness.